Combined Heat and Power Plants

New CHP plant in Japan

A wood gasifier-CHP-plant from Burkhardt went in operation at the foot of the Mount Fuji

New CHP plant in Japan

At the foot of the Mount Fuji is the city Oyama (Shizuoka prefecture) with its approximately 20,000 inhabitants located, which consists of 65 % of forest. This city has set itself the future goals of expediting nature conservation and strengthening the regional economy, especially the forestry. For this reason, the power plant “Mori no Kintaro” (freely translated: “Forest power plant of Kintaro”) was opened in September this year.

The building, specifically designed by an architect, was built with local cedar wood and equipped with various renewable energy sources. The roof of the building consists exclusively of solar panels, which provide a total output of approximately 50 kW. The centrepiece of the unique power plant is the wood gasifier V3.90 and the combined heat and power plant ECO 165 HG from Burkhardt. At the beginning of September both technologies went successfully into operation.

The highly efficient CHP technology converts the local produced pellets from the neighbouring pellet plant into electricity and heat. The produced heat of 260 kW will delivered soon to the nearby greenhouses, which are still under construction. The produced green electricity of 165 kW will be feeding into the public grid and reimbursed with the highest tariff class.

  • The pellet wood gasifier V3.90 from the company Burkhardt