Burkhardt delivers wood gas plants to third Swiss location

At the end of August, two Burkhardt V3.90S wood gasifiers and one ECO 495 combined heat and power unit made their way to Switzerland. In the next weeks we will be allowed to install our plants at oeko energie AG, a subsidiary of Zgraggen Energie Holding AG in Schattdorf in the canton of Uri. The business field of oeko energie AG comprises services around renewable energies, i.e. planning, construction and operation of heating plants and district heating networks.
In the future, two Burkhardt V3.90S wood gasifiers will produce 390 kW of electricity and 610 kW of heat together with the Burkhardt ECO 495 CHP unit in Schattdorf. The CHP electricity will be fed into the ZEV (Zusammenschluss zum Eigenverbrauch), a model in which the self-produced energy is consumed at the place of production (in one or more buildings and various ZEV partners). The heat from the wood gasifiers and the CHP is fed into the Uri heating plant in Schattdorf. Since 2008, the heating plant supplies the surrounding industrial areas with process and space heat, as well as private property owners. Due to the increasing number of heat connections, a second biomass plant was added to the heating plant in 2018.
Wood gasifier and CHP unit find place in a part of the heating plant Uri. In Schattdorf, the third Swiss site with Burkhardt plants is being built. We were already allowed to install our wood gasifiers in Rheinfelden in 2017 and at vonRickenbach swiss AG in 2018. Following the initial planning for the plant in Schattdorf at the beginning of 2023, commissioning is scheduled for late fall 2023.
The Burkhardt ECO 495 CHP unit will supply 390 kW of electricity in the future.
The first of two Burkhardt wood gasifiers is brought in by truck-mounted crane.