Opening of the “EcoEnergie Beetebuerg” biomass power plant

Opening of the “EcoEnergie Beetebuerg” biomass power plant

Since 1996, the district heating network in Bettembourg, Luxembourg, has been supplying several public buildings, as well as some care homes and day-care centres with heat. This had previously been produced in the energy centre using natural gas fired CHPs.

In 2016, the decision was taken to construct a new biomass energy centre after the contract for the natural gas fired CHP plant had expired. At the very heart of the new construction there are two Burkhardt wood gasifiers with two CHPs and two pellet boilers. The new wood gas systems, with a total output of 330 kW electrical and 520 kW thermal energy, serve to cover the heat base load. The electricity produced in the centre is fed into the public network. With the new heat supply, there is a saving of approx. 1,600 tons of CO2 in comparison to the previous natural gas system.
Following a construction period of around one year, the new biomass energy centre was opened in October 2018.