References overview with wood gas

Burkhardt woodgas cogeneration plants in Europe and Asia

  • More than 350 biomass power plants in operation
  • 10 countries with wood gas CHP

 A small excerpt from our projects with wood gas CHPs in Europe and Asia:

LocationFacitiliesHeat use
Ladbergen, GER32One airport and several regional industrial facilities
Hinterschmiding, GER2Wood drying chamber and pellet production
Hohenburg, GER7Sewage sludge drying
St. Peter, GER1Municipal heating network
Grafenau, GER1Petrol station and municipal heating network
Schnellingen, GER1Municipal heating network
Deining, GER1Kindergarden and shopping center
Wunsiedel, GER2Municipal heating network
Ursensollen, GER1Furniture factory
Eschenfelden, GER1Municipal heating network
Garrel, GER7Poultry farm
Lupburg, GER1Municipal heating network
Horb, GER2Municipal heating network
Plößberg, GER4Sawmill
Achental, GER2Municipal heating network
Ruppertshofen, GER1Sawmill
Bruck, GER1Nursery
Winden im Elztal, GER1Hotel
Rom, IT1Cinema
Monfalcone, IT5Wood drying chamber
Predazzo, IT1Municipal heating network
Ueno Village, JPN 1Heating/cooling of a mushroom farm
Shibukinoyu, JPN1Heating of a thermal bath
Kushima City, JPN10Pellet production
Oyama Town, JPN1Heating of greenhouses
Shimokawa, JPN11Pellet production
Shropshire, GB1Poultry farm
Leamington Spa, GB1Poultry farm
Kozje, SLO3Wood drying chamber
Strassen, LUX1Municipal heating network
Radlje ob Dravi, SLO3Wood drying chamber
Rheinfelden, CH1Municipal heating network
Ruse, SLO6Wood drying chamber
Bad Bleiberg, AT2Municipal heating network
St. Michael, AT3Municipal heating network
Bettembourg, LUX2Municipal heating network
Muotathal, CH1Municipal heating network
Hainsdorf, AT1Piglet breeding
Sheffield, GB1Research institute