Burkhardt GmbH
Energie- und Gebäudetechnik
Kreutweg 2
92360 Mühlhausen
Tel.: 09185 9401-0
Fax. 09185 9401-50
E-Mail: info@burkhardt-gmbh.de
Location | Facitilies | Heat use |
Ladbergen, GER | 32 | One airport and several regional industrial facilities |
Hinterschmiding, GER | 2 | Wood drying chamber and pellet production |
Hohenburg, GER | 7 | Sewage sludge drying |
St. Peter, GER | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Grafenau, GER | 1 | Petrol station and municipal heating network |
Schnellingen, GER | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Deining, GER | 1 | Kindergarden and shopping center |
Wunsiedel, GER | 2 | Municipal heating network |
Ursensollen, GER | 1 | Furniture factory |
Eschenfelden, GER | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Garrel, GER | 7 | Poultry farm |
Lupburg, GER | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Horb, GER | 2 | Municipal heating network |
Plößberg, GER | 4 | Sawmill |
Achental, GER | 2 | Municipal heating network |
Ruppertshofen, GER | 1 | Sawmill |
Bruck, GER | 1 | Nursery |
Winden im Elztal, GER | 1 | Hotel |
Rom, IT | 1 | Cinema |
Monfalcone, IT | 5 | Wood drying chamber |
Predazzo, IT | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Ueno Village, JPN | 1 | Heating/cooling of a mushroom farm |
Shibukinoyu, JPN | 1 | Heating of a thermal bath |
Kushima City, JPN | 10 | Pellet production |
Oyama Town, JPN | 1 | Heating of greenhouses |
Shimokawa, JPN | 11 | Pellet production |
Shropshire, GB | 1 | Poultry farm |
Leamington Spa, GB | 1 | Poultry farm |
Kozje, SLO | 3 | Wood drying chamber |
Strassen, LUX | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Radlje ob Dravi, SLO | 3 | Wood drying chamber |
Rheinfelden, CH | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Ruse, SLO | 6 | Wood drying chamber |
Bad Bleiberg, AT | 2 | Municipal heating network |
St. Michael, AT | 3 | Municipal heating network |
Bettembourg, LUX | 2 | Municipal heating network |
Muotathal, CH | 1 | Municipal heating network |
Hainsdorf, AT | 1 | Piglet breeding |
Sheffield, GB | 1 | Research institute |