Great interest in Burkhardt technologies
In January, we welcomed a large group of interested parties from Japan to our premises in Mühlhausen. The week-long trip to Germany was organised by our partner Sanyo Trading and a company that has already been involved in two of our previous Japanese projects. Among the 14 visitors were representatives from the Japanese cities of Yusuhara Town and Mikasa City and the local TV station from Yusuhara, which filmed everything.
The reasons for the visits for both municipalities are the general endeavour to reduce CO2 emissions in the future and the interest in locally usable small power plants.
During the technology tour, our sites in Mühlhausen, the pellet plant in Wunsiedel, the sludge drying plant in Aichaberg and the local heating supply in Velburg were visited. The heating of buildings with hot water was particularly impressive for our guests, as this form of heating is not yet very widespread in Japan.
We would like to thank our Japanese guests for their visit and their great interest in Burkhardt technologies.
Representatives of two Janapese cities are interested in Burkhardt wood gasifiers.